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Cerca nella sezione:
Whole-body vibration exercise in different postures on handgrip strength in healthy women: a cross-over study.
The impact of social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic on physical and mental health: the lived experience of adolescents with obesity and their caregivers.
Differences in soleus H-reflex to M-wave ratio between obese and non-obese individuals.
Use of a Pediatric Obesity Fall‐risk Scale (POFS) in 301 hospitalized obese children and adolescents.
COVID-19 lockdown and the behavior change on physical exercise, pain and psychological well-being: an International Multicentric Study.
Development and internal validation of fatty liver prediction models in obese children and adolescents.
Obese patients decrease work rate in order to keep a constant target heart rate.
The age-dependent increase of metabolic syndrome requires more extensive and aggressive non-pharmacological and pharmacological interventions: a cross-sectional study in an Italian cohort of obese women.
The role of different indexes of adiposity and body composition for the identification of metabolic syndrome in women with obesity.
Effects of a 3-week in-hospital multidisciplinary body weight reduction program in obese females: is measured resting energy expenditure essential for tailoring adequately the amount of energy intake?
The ACTyourCHANGE in Teens Study Protocol: an acceptance and commitment therapy-based intervention for adolescents with obesity: a randomized controlled trial.
Stimulated GH levels during the transition phase in Prader-Willi Syndrome.
Risk factors, awareness of disease and use of medications in a deprived population: differences between indigent natives and undocumented migrants in Italy.
Whole-body vibration exercise: a possible intervention in the management of post COVID-19 complications?
Association of serum bilirubin level with metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a cross-sectional study of 1672 obese children.
Effects of SARS-CoV- 2 pandemic on follow-up and pharmacological treatment of chronic diseases in undocumented migrants.
Frequent medical supervision increases the effectiveness of a longitudinal multidisciplinary body weight reduction program: a real-world experience in a population of children and adolescents with obesity.
Evaluation of the relationships between simple anthropometric measures and bioelectrical impedance assessment variables with multivariate linear regression models to estimate body composition and fat distribution in adults: preliminary results.
Parameters of glucose homeostasis in the recognition of the metabolic syndrome in young adults with Prader-Willi Syndrome.
Efficacy of whole-body vibration training on brain-derived neurotrophic factor, clinical and functional outcomes, and quality of life in women with fibromyalgia syndrome: a randomized controlled trial.
Complete blood count-derived inflammation indexes are useful in predicting metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents with severe obesity.